Genetics and Machine Learning

We are looking for postdoctoral researchers, PhD students, and research interns (see openings) !

Last updated: 6/23/2024

We design statistically principled methods, develop user-friendly software, and study the genetic basis of human diseases. We currently focus on integrative analysis of genetics and functional genomics data. Topics of interest include:

  • Identifying disease-critical cellular contexts through integrating GWAS and functional genomics.

  • Understanding the genetic architecture of human diseases and the underlying evolutionary driving forces through analyzing biobank-scale genetics data.

  • Understanding the causal relationship between genes and disease through analyzing GWAS, eQTL, and perturbation data.

  • Foundation models for DNA sequences and single cells.

We also develop general statistical and machine learning algorithms motivated by applications in genetics; topics include multiple hypotheses testing, multi-armed bandits, dimensionality reduction, empirical Bayes, and causal inference.

Dr. Martin Jinye Zhang

  • (2019) Ph.D. EE, Stanford
  • (2014) B.Eng. EE, Tsinghua



One ICML paper on efficient maximum inner product search.


We received a grant from the Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation (SCS news). Thank you, the Curci Foundation!


LD-SPEC selected as a Reviewers' Choice Abstract (10%) at ASHG 2023.

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